Safe and Drug-Free Schools

                    Livingston Parish Public Schools: Safe and Drug Free Schools Program

LPPS offers numerous programs to promote Drug Free and Safe Schools.


Links for Parents and Students


We Can Be Drug Free!

Drugs are everywhere and I don’t know why
Why would you take something that
would make you die
You think they’re good but you don’t see
What could happen to you or me
When you hurt someone then you’ll see
How bad drugs are for you or me
You’ll do something horrible and
have no one to blame
Then and there you’ll fill with shame
Your life has changed forever now
You’ll seem shocked and you don’t know how
It was those horrible drugs can’t you see
Now get those things away from me!
Remember to be someone like me
A kid who is and always will be drug free


Cyberbullying Research Center
NetSmartz Kids
McGruff the Crime Dog

Middle School
Cyberbullying Research Center
NetSmartz for Middle School
High School
CyberBullying Research Center
Internet Safety Tips Video
Internet Safety 101 Videos
NetSmartz Teens

Livingston Parish Public School's Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program Director is Charlene Lilly. Ms. Lilly can be reached by calling 225.686.4234, or by email at [email protected].