Livingston Parish President Layton Ricks Supports the 1-Cent Sales Tax Proposition to Give School Employees a Salary Increase
Inflation rates have soared over the past two years. The cost of food, gas, real estate, transportation, insurance, goods and services and everything else seems to keep going up. Everyone is feeling the crunch.
Most of us are finding ways to cut back on expenses. We cut back on non-essentials so we can continue to put food on the table, gas in the car and provide for our families. We prioritize in order to continue to give our children and grandchildren what is needed for their development and well-being. I don't know about you, but I would starve before I deprived one of my children or grandchildren of anything they required for survival.
A good, solid education is one of the essentials that I worked hard to provide for my children and one of the things I dearly want to see my grandchildren receive. Education is essential to their future success and welfare and to their ability to provide for their own families and prosper in society.
That is why I support the 1% sales and use tax for the Livingston Parish School Board to provide funding for salaries and benefits of school system employees in the public school system of Livingston Parish. Let's face it, most people feel the same way about the importance of education. That is why Livingston Parish has remained one of the fastest growing parishes in the State.
I know that a growing population places a huge strain on the budget. Parish Government is constantly challenged to provide for the influx while continuing to improve infrastructure and provide the services necessary for quality and safe living conditions. Our schools are experiencing the same challenges.
The Livingston Parish School system is recognized statewide for excelling in education. That is why enrollment has increased so rapidly. It is imperative we stand firm in our commitment to support our schools by providing them with the means to sustain that level of excellence, not just for the new students, but for our children and our grandchildren into future generations.
I am not exaggerating when I say our schools are the backbone of our community, just as our young people are the future. Please read the proposition carefully and pray on your priorities.
I hope that you will stand with me on March 25th in commitment to the future of education in Livingston Parish. There are many things we can learn to do without, a good education is not one of them.
Layton Ricks
Livingston Parish President