Title II - Professional Development

Title II, Part A provides grants to state and local educational agencies, state agencies for higher education, and eligible partnerships in order to: 

  • increase student academic achievement through strategies such as:
    • improving teacher and principal quality
    • increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom
    • increasing the number of highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools; and
  • hold local educational agencies and schools accountable for improvements in student academic achievement.


Academy of Professional Learning

In agreement with National Staff Development Council’s Standards for Staff Development, Livingston Parish Public Schools recognizes that sustained, intellectually rigorous staff development is essential to create high levels of learning for all students. 

To support this belief, Livingston Parish Public Schools has established an Academy of Professional Learning.  Utilizing results from professional development surveys, observation data, and test data, traditional courses are provided through the Academy for Professional Learning.  Site-based implementation is them provided by teacher leaders and administrative personnel who are responsible for re-delivery of initial trainings, organizing and overseeing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
In addition, collaborative subject and grade level focus groups meet regularly to write curriculum, build assessments, design lessons, discuss suggested actions for moving toward implementation, or gather resources.  These sessions can occur during professional development days designated by the district, before or after school hours, or during a common planning time. 

District support and follow-up is conducted through monthly administrative PLCs, on-site visits by the professional development coordinator and other curriculum specialists, and follow-up courses led by the curriculum staff.